Antiques, Furniture, Glassware. Paper Items, Oddities, Magazines, Books, Die Cast Cars, & Collectibles
PREVIEW 8:00 A.M. - BOX LOTS: 9:00 A.M. LISTED SALES: Starts after box lots sale –
Approx. 10:45 A.M.
BOX LOTS: Over 500 box lots: featuring Gravely Pro ACR Walk Behind mower with a Kawaski FC 420,
Craftsman Riding Lawn Mower T200, WOOD bench w/Cast Iron Sides; 10 Industrial Lights, Antique
School Locker, Two Rolling Industrial Ladders, tools, LP’s, Jewelry, Hundreds of Magazines (aviation, cars,
guns, military & more), 100’s of hard back bks (military, non-fiction / fiction, cars. Flying, tanks, & more),
glassware, kitchenware, wheel barrels, ladders, patio set, toys, paper items, smalls, model plane / tanks
and collectibles.
MAIN SALE: COLLECTIBLES: Owl Cookie Jar, Lionel Train Set, Soaky Bttls. (Creature Black Lagoon, Bozo), 1966
Batman Trading Cards, Metal Tanks, Missile Force Train Set, Lot of Small Cannons, Beatles (Wallet-Figures-Towels),
Whose Who in Baseball, Oak Tool Showcase, American Rifleman Magazines, Tyco Ho Set, Bonanza Lunch Box, 15
Golden Books, 1926 Plates, Board Games (Snoopy & The Red Barron, Patty Duke, The Beatles, Sandlot Slugger,
Shenanigans, Mystery Date, Twister, Booby Trap, Clue, Concentration, Kentucky Derby, Munster’s Puzzle, Patty
Duke, & More), Comic Books(Archie 15 Cents, Jug Head 15 Cents, Peep 15 Cents, Laugh 15 Cents, Archie’s 15
Cents, Richie Rich 15 Cents, Little Lotta 15 Cents, Dennis The menace 15 Cents), Wallace Nuttings Water
Colors(Rainbow Brook, Echo Lake, River, Into Birchwood, Sire Side, A little Maine Village, A River), Gordon Store
Jar, 2 Piece Noritake, Castor Set, Bakelite Lot, Pair of Moxie Bottles, Wards Dr. Push, Ginger Beer Crock Btls., Brown
Manikin, Wicker Manikin, Wards Red Head Shell Box, Dixie Nut Tins, Oak Wall Phone, 16 Flats of Depression and
Carnival Glass, Kelly Nuts Counter Top Display, 1909 Cleveland Skyline Pictures, 4 old Comers, Stanley # 71 ½
Router, Cowan Lamp, Corona Typewriter, Charlie McCarty Adv., Quack Box, Pr. Deco Clocks, Hull Pottery, Fairy
Lamp, Milk Bottle Carrier, Fenton Brides Baskets, Deco Chalk Figure, Euclid Sunshine Euclid Store Display, National
Cash Register 442, Pabst Girl Yard Long, Keystone Oak Stereopticon Card Cabinet, 50 Plus Die Cast Cars in the box,
Models, Aviation magazines from the 40’s-50’s-60’s-70’s-80’s, Unusual Glass Ware, 100’s of Books Military & Car related, and More;
FURNITURE: Pair of French Tables, Carved Oval Walnut Table, Walnut Built Display Case, Oak
Door Bookcase, Painted Two Dr. Bookcase, 5 Piece Dining Room Set, Depression Vanity, Oak 4 Drawer Dresser,
Unique Lift Top Trunk, Chippendale Pie Crust Table, Victorian Lamp Table, Oak White Cap Ice Box, Burwood China,
Victorian Dresser -5 Drawer, Art Deco Window Seat, Oak one Dr. China, 6 Dr. Dr. Maple High Boy Brass Pulls, 4 Dr.
Maple Low Boy, 2 Dr. Maple Stand, 7 Dr. Cherry Linen Chest, 1 Dr. Night Stand Maple, 4 Maple Folding Chairs, Oak
Settee, Oak Condenser Table w/Drs., 5 Dr. High Boy, Contemporary White High Boy, Oak Newer TV Stand, Wood
Push Cart Severer, Mahogany Server, 6 Dr. Low Boy Contemporary Dresser, One Dr. Gun Safe, Wing Chair, Maple
Side Stand, Brown Leather Couch, 3-Arrow Back Chairs, & More.
Please view complete listing / photos on line at Auction Auctioneer #5522 # 5698
Sale conducted by Greg Vogelsong, Ph.D. & Matt Ford: Auctioneers
Licensed and bonded auctioneers in favor of the State of Ohio
For information call 330-703-9887 or 330-329-8589
e-mail Greg at
Parking lots gravel / grass- Please be Cautious—Not Responsible for Accidents
We also buy antiques-advertising, banks, pottery, oil paintings, automotive related items, gold & silver coins, jewelry andanything unusual that we happen to like!! We buy entire estate outright – or – we will sell it for you.
About Greg Vogelsong
Sale conducted by Greg Vogelsong Ph.D.
Licensed and bonded auctioneer in favor of the State of Ohio.